Sacramental Preparation Information

All families with children in grades 1-8 who are not registered at Costa (our Catholic school) participate in our Faith Formation (CCD) program. This is especially important for those who are looking to receive First Communion or Confirmation. Both are two year programs that typically begin in first grade and seventh grade (but can be completed afterward as well).

Classes for grades 1-8 will meet weekly on Sundays 9:30-10:45am at Costa Catholic Academy (2726 Costa Drive) and all families are encouraged to attend 11am Mass together at IHM following!

Please reach out to Mollie Prescott with any questions and how to support you and your children

Strengthening your Marriage Resources

Married Life

Family Life and Parenting

Great Books!

Be Devoted

   Love and Respect:



Natural Family Planning

Learn Natural Family Planning

Learn Natural Family Planning NFP is the healthy, effective, and morally acceptable family planning method. Initial classes for each series are scheduled for the following dates and locations: To register for regional CCL Sympto-Thermal Method classes taught throughout the diocese, go to

In Galesburg By appointment – Creighton Method
Robin K Bigger, RN CPI OSF
FertilityCare, 3375 N Seminary Street,
(309) 344-3161, Ext 4364

Why NFP?

Resources for Home

Coming Soon!