Congratulations! We rejoice with you as you prepare to bring your child into the Church.  Parents wishing to baptize their child are invited to call the parish office.  A parish staff member will follow up with you and call as soon as possible.  If this is your first child, you will need to attend a baptismal preparation class at the parish, which will be discussed during the phone call. If your family is not yet registered at one of our parishes, we welcome you to officially join our parish family by registering. 

Godparent Requirements: Godparents help the parents help the child get to heaven.  It is not simply a term of endearment, but rather a special and honored responsibility.  Therefore, there are certain requirements set in place for the godparents:

  • May not be the parent of the child being baptized
  • Must be at least 16 years old
  • Must be a Baptized, practicing Catholic who has received the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation
  • Regularly attends Mass, follows Church teachings, and lives out the Faith
  • If married, must be married in the Catholic Church
  • A baptized non-Catholic may be a Christian Witness along with a Catholic godparent

If the godparents are not from one of our parishes, a Letter of Permission will need to be obtained from their parish before the baptism